



Committed to integrity

Act with Integrity is a core component of Internet para Todos; at Internet para Todos we are all committed to creating value and developing our business according to the highest ethical standards. Our employees and investors believe that the only sustainable way to connect the unconnected is to develop businesses with excellence and integrity, free from any act of corruption and/or bribery, always in compliance with current applicable laws and regulations, respecting our environment, communities in which we operate and treating people and communities with dignity and respect.

To ensure this commitment is understood and implemented by all our stakeholders and related third parties, we have summarized these pillars in Our Essence and Code of Conduct, which sets out the ethical behavior expected of all employees, contractors and third-party vendors; our Code of Conduct is supported by an extensive Compliance Program that facilitates and ensures transparent and sustainable management, acting in compliance with anti-corruption regulations, under the firm commitment and respect for human rights and our environment; working towards a zero-harm work environment with a safety culture based on personal responsibility and international best practice. Providing a safe and healthy workplace is the most fundamental obligation we have to our employees, to our contractors and other third parties.

We encourage all our business partners to be part of our commitment to connect with integrity.





Committed to Integrity

At Internet para Todos we carry out our activities within the framework of the Concession Contract granted by the Peruvian State, for the provision of public telecommunications services at the national level. Currently we have the Registers that enable us to provide the services of Local Carrier and National Long-Distance Carrier, both in the unswitched mode; as well as the service of providing network facilities such as Rural Mobile Infrastructure Operator.

We are committed to providing our services and achieving the objectives set in compliance with the obligations set out in our Concession Agreement with the State, as well as with the provisions of the Peruvian legal and regulatory framework issued by the Ministry of Transport and Communications (MTC), the Supervisory Agency for Private Investment in Telecommunications (OSIPTEL), as well as the other competent authorities in Peru.

Do you want to report an incident?

If you are aware of any situation that may violate or potentially violate Our Code of Conduct or Company Policies, we invite you to report it through our Integrity Line by