


Gomes De Almeida

Connecting the unconnected

Internet para Todos (IPT) was born as a global collaborative initiative between Telefónica and Facebook in order to bridge the digital divide in Latin America, under a sustainable and innovative model that would overcome the obstacles related to bringing connectivity to rural areas with high geographical complexity. This initiative is joined by IDB Invest and CAF, which guided by the same goal of connecting the unconnected and confident that connectivity is an important lever for the development and transformation of people’s lives, consolidates the new company IPT as a Rural Mobile Infrastructure Operator – OIMR in Peru, starting operations on May 1st, 2019.

IPT is based on an innovative, open, collaborative and sustainable model, which allows the deployment of mobile internet service in areas of high geographical complexity, under technologies and disruptive processes that transform traditional networks and structures, overcoming technical and economic barriers that had not previously allowed to increase connectivity in rural areas; this in line with our solid commitment with integrity, safety and health, respect for our environment and the communities in which we operate. 

We have chosen Peru as a pioneer country to implement our innovative model, a country with a complicated geography, but with many opportunities; experience that will allow us to replicate this model in the rest of Latin America. Our purpose is to allow mobile operators in the country to extend their services to rural areas through the infrastructure and services offered by IPT.


The digital gap in our country was estimated at approximately 6 million people before the start of IPT operations, that is, 6 million people did not have mobile internet. We have been operating for 3 years and in this short time we have already managed to connect more than 1,900 stations with 4G internet, which translates into almost 14,000 rural communities and covers more than 2.5 million people. In this way, IPT is an accelerator of digital inclusion in Peru, we want to equalize opportunities among people who have fewer resources, normally located in rural areas; and the rest of the country.


Also, in these three years, IPT has promoted long-term relationships of mutual trust with its stakeholders. For this reason, it has launched the “Juntos Conectamos” alliance program, a transparent private and public-private cooperation framework that seeks to promote inclusive, resilient and sustainable societies and economies, seeking to bridge the existing digital divide in the country in a sustainable manner.


We invite you to be part of this great and momentous challenge, to together work for a more connected and better country.

"Meet our team"

"More than 2300 base stations"

with 4G technology

We contribute to closing the digital divide in rural areas. We are committed to sustainable future, connecting communities and transforming lives. 

Our Value Proposal

In a competitive context of high demand for financial resources for the development of the telecommunications business in urban areas of the country, the deployment of mobile service in rural areas is seen with a very uncertain future, this due to the high amounts of investment that means deploying, operating and maintaining Mobile Broadband networks in areas with complicated geography.

Thanks to the creation of IPT, an OIMR that leverages an open and innovative technological model that incorporates the use of shared access infrastructure (RAN Sharing), network virtualization and automation of operational processes for cost reduction, is it allows the country’s mobile operators, under a wholesale business model, to extend their mobile services to rural areas of the country, providing 4G mobile broadband services through the more than 3100 base stations that we have deployed throughout Peru.

Aware of the comprehensive connectivity needs, we are ready to design and implement solutions tailored to the needs of our customers, in order to provide a turnkey service that allows the development of their business in the rural areas of the Country.

Through the use of technological innovation such as RAN Sharing and an operation that incorporates automation into its processes, we have designed an open technological proposal and shared infrastructure that allows us to accelerate, efficiently and with low expansion of the mobile operators’ network into the most remote and rural areas of Peru.

Thanks to this, telecom operators will be able to continue to grow without financial barriers of investment (CAPEX) and we will take care of the maintenance and operation of the network in these very complex areas.




“Discover and implement sustainable and socially responsible ways to include more people in the digital world, beyond today’s limits”


“To be the leading and reference provider for access technological solutions to reduce the digital bridge in rural areas of Peru”

Our Purpose

Leading digital inclusion, bringing connectivity to rural areas and promoting the well-being and development of communities. We innovate and work collaboratively with our stakeholders, promoting talent, taking care of people and their environment, throughout the value chain. 
“Together, we are building a future where we ensure equal opportunities through connectivity” 

Our Values

We cultivate the following values as fundamental pillars:

Innovation: It consists of our continuous improvement model and organization adaptability to external changes to make us more productive and efficient in our market value proposal.

Passion: We mean our team, whose vocation is aligned with our purpose, which leads us to carry out the work with vitality, energy and encouragement in a way that satisfies and amuses us.

Excelence: We refer to the quality of the results, our level of expertise and knowledge in the business that allows us to demonstrate our prestige.

Integrity: We act ethically, with honesty and transparency in all our activities, fulfilling our commitments, treating our employees, business partners, communities and environment with fairness and respect. Doing the right thing is a fundamental part of our Excellency.

Commitment: We mean the deep responsibility which is the tie that binds us to our customers, our projects, our colleagues and Internet Para Todos in general.

Attitude: We mean openness, perseverance, solidarity, teamwork and empathy in facing challenges, making possible what seems or is believed to be impossible.